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For 40 years, The Entrust Group has provided account administration services for self-directed retirement and tax-advantaged plans. Entrust can assist you in purchasing alternative investments with your retirement funds, and administer the buying and selling of assets that are typically unavailable through banks and brokerage firms.
When you left your last job, did you leave retirement savings behind?
Cashing out could mean severe penalties, but leaving the funds untouched will prevent you from reaching your true investing potential.
Consolidate your former accounts into Self-Directed IRAs today to allow your money to grow tax deferred.
Step 1 - Complete the Rollover Form and Submit It to Entrust
Option 1: Completing the Account Transfer Form using the Entrust Client Portal
Go to the Entrust Client Portal, to the “Transactions” tab, and click on “Fund Account” on the left-hand side then select “Rollover.”
Fill out the online application and submit it.
Attach a photocopy of a complete statement (no more than 6 months old) from your current custodian. It should contain the following:
Option 2: Completing the process via paperwork:
Download the Rollover Form here.
Documentation that must be completed and/or signed by Entrust, send to:
Mail: The Entrust Group, 555 12th Street, Suite 900, Oakland, CA 94607
Fax: Write “Attention Transfers” on the cover page and fax to (510) 587-0960
Email: (only submit via email if permitted by your custodian)
Step 2 - Contact Your Current Custodian
Once you have completed your rollover form, contact your current custodian to let them know you need to withdraw funds from your account. Follow your current custodian’s withdrawal actions and adhere to the steps below for a Direct or In-Direct Rollover to send your funds to Entrust.
Have your current custodian make the check payable to:
The Entrust Group, Inc. FBO [Client Name] Account # [Entrust Acct. Number]
Example: The Entrust Group, Inc. FBO John Smith Account #12345
Check(s) can be mailed directly to The Entrust Group at:
The Entrust Group, 555 12th Street, Suite 900, Oakland, CA 94607
Once we have received your funds from your current custodian, you’ll receive a Confirmation Email. If you haven’t received this email from us within 7-10 days after reaching out contact your current custodians for the status of this rollover.
After receiving the check from your custodian, endorse the back portion and send it to The Entrust Group at:
The Entrust Group, Inc. FBO [Client Name] Account # [Entrust Acct. Number]
Example: The Entrust Group, Inc. FBO John Smith Account #12345
After we receive your check and deposit it into your account, you will receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive a confirmation email within 7-10 business days of sending the check, please contact us for an update.